

Metabolomic Data

The data belong to a cohort of 22 healthy donors (11 male and 11 female) where each provided about 40 urine samples over the time course of approximately 2 months, for a total of 873 samples. Each sample was analysed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Each spectrum was divided in 450 spectral bins.


Here, we load the MetRef dataset. Columns with only zero values are removed.

u = MetRef$data
u = u[,-which(colSums(u) == 0)]

We apply the Probabilistic Quotient Normalization

u = normalization(u)$newXtrain

We mean-center and univariate scaling the data set.

u = scaling(u)$newXtrain

Two classification vectors are created

class = as.numeric(as.factor(MetRef$gender))
class2 = as.numeric(as.factor(MetRef$donor))


Different algorithms for dimensionality reduction are applied

res_MDS = cmdscale(dist(u))
res_tSNE = Rtsne(u)$Y
res_UMAP = umap(u)$layout


We apply KODAMA with Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) as classifier with 50 components to drive the accuracy maximization. The KODAMA dissimilarity matrix is converted in a low dimensionality space using three different methods (i.e., MDS, t-SNE, and UMAP).

kk = KODAMA.matrix(u, f.par = 50)
res_KODAMA_MDS = KODAMA.visualization(kk, method = "MDS")
res_KODAMA_tSNE = KODAMA.visualization(kk, method = "t-SNE")
res_KODAMA_UMAP = KODAMA.visualization(kk, method = "UMAP")

Visualize the different clustering algorithms:

a) Labelled by the gender

par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
plot(res_MDS, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "MDS")
plot(res_tSNE, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "tSNE")
plot(res_UMAP, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "UMAP")
plot(res_KODAMA_MDS, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "KODAMA_MDS")
plot(res_KODAMA_tSNE, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "KODAMA_tSNE")
plot(res_KODAMA_UMAP, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(2)[class], main = "KODAMA_UMAP")

Gender clustering

b) Labelled by the donor

plot(res_MDS, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "MDS")
plot(res_tSNE, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "tSNE")
plot(res_UMAP, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "UMAP")
plot(res_KODAMA_MDS, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "KODAMA_MDS")
plot(res_KODAMA_tSNE, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "KODAMA_tSNE")
plot(res_KODAMA_UMAP, pch = 21, bg = rainbow(22)[class2], main = "KODAMA_UMAP")

Donor clustering

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